Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Loyola L&D Unit Tour

Last night we toured the labor & delivery unit at Loyola Medical Center. As far as the facilities go, the look of the halls and rooms, it's not much different from West Sub. Big rooms, wood floors, private shower, stereo, etc. It's a maze to find the unit, of course. Similar policies, such as 2 people with you while you labor, dads can sleep over, you labor and deliver in the same room then get a recovery room, where newborns room in with you. Drawbacks: Recovery rooms have two beds, so you might get a roommate. They are also not as firm a "yes" about dads following the baby to the nursery and to tests, just a conditional "yes." Improvements include special wing and on-call teams for high-risk moms, a special NICU one level up with an on-call team that promises to rush down the stairs and be there for any risky deliveries within 30 to 60 seconds, and two fully-staffed lactation consultants that make daily rounds and who can be requested if you are having any trouble. They also have a Ronald McDonald House where families can stay if your baby or child is admitted and you want to stay nearby.

Next week: Prentice Women's Hospital.

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