Monday, August 27, 2007

Feels Like Seven Months, Not Five

Okay, so I popped early and that's normal. But I now feel like my hips and pelvis are barely joined and have to walk and sleep carefully. Ben is starting to help me to sit up or stand up sometimes. I don't remember these things happening so early last time. I wonder if I'm in for a bumpy ride later on. I feel like my stomach is just so huge already, and it's getting to where I need a depends just to sneeze! (Tee hee hee.) The other night, late, I was comforting a tearful Tyler and once I'd put him back in his crib and felt the cooler air on me, I realized I was leaking!!!!! In response to his tears, of course. I feel I'm a little more ready for baby than I ought to be!

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