Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doctor Visit This Morning

Still at 1 and a half centimeters, everything my body is doing is completely normal. Baby is quieter now that it's bigger, and deeper now that it's dropped, and they couldn't find the heartbeat on the monitor for the NST (non-stress test) and so they sent me over to the hospital for a hi tech NST (just walked down the street), the results of which were just fine and also reassuring. (It's scary to have them say "we can't find the heartbeat!") So from here on out I have to go over and get the NST at the old Prentice (ambulatory center) and then have a second appt with the doc. It's exhausting, but okay. The R.N. over at the clinic was just wonderful and we chatted the whole time. As a matter of fact, all the staff back at the doctor's office already know my name and greet me cheerfully and Ben remarked on it.

Yes, Ben came with me this time, and we had a written list of questions for the doc, and the doc was as usual great. We went over our birth plan w/ him, too. Last pregnancy the birth plan was an exhaustive two page document, now it's like 7 quick bullet points. The first bullet point made Dr. Arof laugh:

* Epidural: Yes, please!

Also, Dr. Arof is very, very supportive of our getting a doula.

We saw the woman who recommended the doctor to us there (one of two, actually)--I've been running into her at almost every appointment. She's a library patron and it was great to see her with Ben along since he's the "library guy." She was in for a fancy NST just like me, and told us she has a planned c-section tomorrow (it's her third child and third "C" so she doesn't have much choice). I'm a little envious she's getting her baby tomorrow!

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