Wednesday, June 13, 2007

First day on Zofran

Or the generic equivalent. Last time I couldn't afford the $500 for the prescription, but now they have a generic of this and I can try it. This is an anti-nausea drug that is currently very popular. My doc swears by it, says she lived on it herself when pg, and my neighbor took it too. Like Amanda next door was saying, you still feel nausea but it's not as bad, it's livable. So I can go about my day and NOT feel like I could hurl at any second, or like if I don't lie down I could lose my lunch. Managing keeping things down might be easier if this works, which would be so wonderful! Side effect listed is headaches, and yes I did get a light but persistent headache today. I'll take that trade, however. So, wish me luck!!!

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