Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dreaming of Labor

Over the weekend I dreamed that I was going into labor, and Ben and both my parents were for some reason coming with me. I didn't have a doctor yet and we went into the city to Prentice to try to get in anyway. The bottom floor was an elaborate, rich mall with futuristic elevators that were tubes. We tried to sweet-talk our way past a receptionist, and at that moment all the receptionists went on strike. I talked her into giving us a free pass to ride the tube elevator up before she left. Getting up there was a little harrowing as the tube was small, then I was climbing up a vertical slope with small hand-holds to skip a long line, but just when I thought I would fall Ben pulled me the rest of the way up! Then we were in a hallway and I had a gurney but no room yet. And the hall was full of elderly patients on gurneys, and I thought it was a bad idea to deliver there in the hall. The labor was really hurting now and I was seen by a nice male, Indian doctor. Then I snuck into the L&D unit but again found a bed in a row of beds in an outer area where there were like 6 of us giving birth simultaneously. Mom brought me a stuffed animal.

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