Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Meeting All the Doctors

Today I met doctor #3 in the practice who could be on call when I go into labor. He was very nice but quiet. Last week I met a female doctor in the practice and she was very cheerful. Turns out she's friends with my last doctor and so she called in a favor and got them to fax over my records by contacting my old doctor personally. Otherwise I still haven't received my copy of the records that I ordered officially. (I'd still like my own copy to come, but the important thing now is my new doc has them.)

It's really strange driving into the city every Tuesday morning for these appointments. It's really not too bad, the traffic is busy but not congested, and I've never been more than a few minutes late. Then I go straight from there in to work. Next week, another quick ultrasound. I'm going to ask how many they plan to do and why. I don't mind, the last one was less than 10 minutes, not like the early ones where they were taking a long time measuring everything. We do need to see that the baby is no longer breech, and they are tracking it's growth due to the diabetes and all that.

BTW, I'm feeling better since I've been checking my ketones (a.k.a. peeing on sticks), upping my carb intake a little and keeping my blood sugar from getting too low. Also, I gained back a few pounds.

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