Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Order Wrong, Now Starving

Okay so I'm a spoiled American. But I had a craving and went by the Taco Bell drive-through for a bean burrito with extra cheese and added sour cream. Yeah, yeah, I know it's not healthy. Anyway, I get back to work and there's no cheese and no sour cream, but a 30 cent charge for each listed on the receipt!!! I'm going to cry. I cannot leave work to get it fixed. After work I must go straight to day-care to get Tyler and that's no joke. Shall I save the cold burrito and receipt for tomorrow for a new one? Is that crazy? What if I don't want another tomorrow? Do I demand my 60 cents back, spending just as much in gas just to go over there? Man, I tell you. It was this way with the first pregnancy. World, let me tell you this: if you see a pregnant woman ordering food in your establishment, you'd better get it right, if you don't want to cause a tearful, broken-hearted or angry response in your admitedly crazy patron. Okay? So cut it out. Put the freakin' cheese and sour cream on the thing in the first place!!!!!


tacky treasure hunter said...

ahhhh... you have finally lost your mind.

I mean... THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!


ChickiePea said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! Mmm... sour cream.....