Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dreamt it's a Boy!

Last night I dreamt I was in Walgreens with several coworkers and my boss, Steve, when I went into labor. I thought, gee, this is serious I'd better get home. But then I had the urge to push. Just as an experiment I pushed a little, and out popped the baby! Margaret wrapped it up in a blanket and announced "it's a boy!" I said "no, it's not." We went back and forth until I demanded to hold the baby myself and peek at its body. I was disappointed it wasn't a girl until Tyler came in and grabbd my face and did this thing he likes to do, where he puts his hands on either side fo your face and leans in until your foreheads are touching, and grinning the whole time. So I told him, "guess what--you got a little brother!" And he was thrilled. Then I named the baby one of our back-up names, and spent the rest of remaining dream moments trying to remember what the boy name was that we've picked.

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