Friday, April 25, 2008
The Fourth Trimester
They say that the first three months of your baby's life are like a fourth trimester, and I whole-heartedly agree. It's no coincidence that my maternity leave was three months long. If there's one thing we can thank Bill Clinton for, it's the family medical leave act. I came back to work and now Ben is home with Megan for his leave, as it applies to moms, dads, adoptive parents, or anyone coping with a family medical emergency or ailing aging parent. Maybe Bill was looking forward to Chelsea's turn at coping with his future hospice care! Whoa, dark, Val. Sorry.
Speaking of sorry, I'm sorry I haven't kept up with the blog through those three months. I can say a little bit here. I did have some post partum depression but it would come and go and eventually faded. Physically I felt great. I didn't tear, so it was no time before I felt up and about and good about it. Despite this, I was not 100% in the romance catagory, as far as bouncing back! Ahem! My biggest physical problem was my back. I felt as if it no longer really worked. It hurt, and I had a big lump where the epidural had been. I slumped over a lot and would have to work to sit up straight, it was like my back just didn't work anymore. I begged numerous back rubs from Ben, and struggled to support my back while I worked on getting nursing down (that's another subject altogether). Also, I kept getting odd cold touches on my body, mostly my legs, which my doctor said was a sign of spinal irritation. It felt exactly like a small dog had put a cold, wet nose on my leg for a moment. Then I would feel it and nothing would be there. It has faded to being almost entirely gone, so I don't need the neurological tests he said I might need if it didn't clear up on its own. Tho I still get it sometimes.
Megan also had a rough first few days, (tho not as rough as Tyler had it). She was jaundiced from the hematoma and from her slow start at nursing, altho she was never deprived of milk, we made sure of that. The first week saw daily and then weekly visits to either doctor or hospital for blood bilirubin level testing and weight measuring, and poor thing, you should see her feet (that's where they prick to draw blood). She got dangerously close to a measure of 20, at which point they would've had to put her under lights, but she backed off from that, and by 9 weeks her hematoma and most of the jaundice were gone.

Mommy-baby yoga is great, and Megan is the most active, vocal, hungry, and needs the most diaper changes, than any other baby in class. The idea is, you bring your baby to yoga, and you can stop and nurse or walk or change diapers anytime during class. It's a very gentle way of getting back to the outside world. The first session was a class of all girls! The one I'm in now, all the moms have two kids like I do. All the other moms are so nice and friendly. At first, with how active Megan is, I felt frustrated that I couldn't do many of the yoga poses. After time passed I began to see some of the other babies wake up and be more demanding, so that was good. At least then I wasn't the only one. Now she is still the most active, I don't know why. But I make a play/roll area for her next to me and she practices rolling and grabbing things and puts stuff in her mouth and watches the instructor. It's a real pleasure. It's a special time for me and for being just with her too. It's really my only time getting out on my own.
Speaking of getting out, during maternity leave I had terrible cabin fever. At first it was rough. Tyler would get stirred up, trapped inside with terrible, freezing weather outside. I was always it seemed "stuck under Megan," as Tyler and I say, on the couch, and felt just so frustrated to be unable to do anything in the home or with Tyler or effect any positive change in my own environment. I lived for the time when Ben would come home, and he often came home to poopie diapers waiting for him to change or an overtired boy who needed bedtime, and me with a very demanding baby. My Aunt Sharon came to stay and help, and that was a highlight of this early time. She was entirely nonjudgemental about my attempts and sometimes failures to nurse, and the messy condition of the house and my own unshowered state. She cooked for us, and brought me a happy ally and confidant during those early days. She also brought a DVD of the Disney/Pixar movie Cars as a gift for Tyler (my suggestion--he liked the movie when he saw it once at daycare as a treat on Luka's birthday). So I have "watch car tv" multiple times, sometimes once or twice a day. While I'm not proud to have used TV in this way, it has saved my sanity. Luckily it's a great film with great music (we've since got the soundtrack and "play car music") and great messages. We have weaned him from watching it so often now, btw.

Tyler is a great big brother. He was still watching Cars when Mike and Madalen came to visit and meet Megan, and I was still on leave, but things were better by then. I was nursing successfully then, for one thing, without all the accoutrements. Tyler has his ups and downs, but then again he is 2 and a half. At first he was thrown by the introduction of the new baby, and he gave me some heartbreaking looks of betrayal sometimes. Going back to Sheila at day-care got him back on track to normalcy, but then she quit to go be a nanny and earn more, so we now share a nanny with a boy from day-care, Luka, and his parents. A very expensive playdate, kind of like. Tyle had some bad days in there, poor thing, but he is really changing in the right direction now. He grows and blossoms in spurts and jumps, and amazes us all the time. He likes to hold Megan (supervised, on the couch), and grab her and poke her if he can get away with it, and has even brought her a car toy once or twice. He talks about her and announces when she's crying, and protectively tried to defend her by pushing away the pediatrician on one visit! (Dr. Mercola seems to really like him.) Only sometimes he will want her off my lap to make room for himself, but that's an issue less and less for him.
Throughout I have tried my very best to memorize as much of these moments as possible. Megan is very special, and I will never have a baby like this again (that's the plan anyway). She's nothing like Tyler was. She's much more spit-up-y, and poopie (is she ever!), and in general messy and wet. She's a loud talker as she sqawks like an angry cat when she's excited. She's chubbier than Tyler was, and sweetly so. She has round rosebud lips. She's clingy where he was independant, and she's accepted a sling, and wants to sleep on me all night if she can. She doesn't want to be put down, ever. But she does like the swing, and her tummy-time.

I can't get enough of her, I'm so in love. After a period of estrangement--it was subtle--from Tyler, I am back to kissing his cheeks as much as I can again, and also hers, which are nice and soft and chubby. I had such baby hunger (that's what they call it) toward the end of my pregnancy, it feels so good to fulfill my desires to hug her as much as I can. To touch her little toes, to hold her as her head wobbles around and she looks around the room with a look of "wow." Those quick little breaths babies do when their excited, or when they're trying to do something and are flailing their arms around trying to control them and grab something. It was hard to come back to work, but as everything else a necessary transition to make. So I rush home to her every night and enjoy my kids as much as I can. Kiss her and hug her and breathe her in, try to memorize her, these moments. And never take them for granted.
* * * * *
These Are Days by Natalie Merchant
these are days you'll remember
never before and never since, I promise
will the whole world be warm as this
and as you feel it, you'll know it's true
that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you
these are days you'll remember

when May is rushing over you with desire
to be part of the miracles you see in every hour
you'll know it's true, that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you
these are the days
that you might fill with laughter
until you break
Speaking of sorry, I'm sorry I haven't kept up with the blog through those three months. I can say a little bit here. I did have some post partum depression but it would come and go and eventually faded. Physically I felt great. I didn't tear, so it was no time before I felt up and about and good about it. Despite this, I was not 100% in the romance catagory, as far as bouncing back! Ahem! My biggest physical problem was my back. I felt as if it no longer really worked. It hurt, and I had a big lump where the epidural had been. I slumped over a lot and would have to work to sit up straight, it was like my back just didn't work anymore. I begged numerous back rubs from Ben, and struggled to support my back while I worked on getting nursing down (that's another subject altogether). Also, I kept getting odd cold touches on my body, mostly my legs, which my doctor said was a sign of spinal irritation. It felt exactly like a small dog had put a cold, wet nose on my leg for a moment. Then I would feel it and nothing would be there. It has faded to being almost entirely gone, so I don't need the neurological tests he said I might need if it didn't clear up on its own. Tho I still get it sometimes.
Megan also had a rough first few days, (tho not as rough as Tyler had it). She was jaundiced from the hematoma and from her slow start at nursing, altho she was never deprived of milk, we made sure of that. The first week saw daily and then weekly visits to either doctor or hospital for blood bilirubin level testing and weight measuring, and poor thing, you should see her feet (that's where they prick to draw blood). She got dangerously close to a measure of 20, at which point they would've had to put her under lights, but she backed off from that, and by 9 weeks her hematoma and most of the jaundice were gone.

Mommy-baby yoga is great, and Megan is the most active, vocal, hungry, and needs the most diaper changes, than any other baby in class. The idea is, you bring your baby to yoga, and you can stop and nurse or walk or change diapers anytime during class. It's a very gentle way of getting back to the outside world. The first session was a class of all girls! The one I'm in now, all the moms have two kids like I do. All the other moms are so nice and friendly. At first, with how active Megan is, I felt frustrated that I couldn't do many of the yoga poses. After time passed I began to see some of the other babies wake up and be more demanding, so that was good. At least then I wasn't the only one. Now she is still the most active, I don't know why. But I make a play/roll area for her next to me and she practices rolling and grabbing things and puts stuff in her mouth and watches the instructor. It's a real pleasure. It's a special time for me and for being just with her too. It's really my only time getting out on my own.
Speaking of getting out, during maternity leave I had terrible cabin fever. At first it was rough. Tyler would get stirred up, trapped inside with terrible, freezing weather outside. I was always it seemed "stuck under Megan," as Tyler and I say, on the couch, and felt just so frustrated to be unable to do anything in the home or with Tyler or effect any positive change in my own environment. I lived for the time when Ben would come home, and he often came home to poopie diapers waiting for him to change or an overtired boy who needed bedtime, and me with a very demanding baby. My Aunt Sharon came to stay and help, and that was a highlight of this early time. She was entirely nonjudgemental about my attempts and sometimes failures to nurse, and the messy condition of the house and my own unshowered state. She cooked for us, and brought me a happy ally and confidant during those early days. She also brought a DVD of the Disney/Pixar movie Cars as a gift for Tyler (my suggestion--he liked the movie when he saw it once at daycare as a treat on Luka's birthday). So I have "watch car tv" multiple times, sometimes once or twice a day. While I'm not proud to have used TV in this way, it has saved my sanity. Luckily it's a great film with great music (we've since got the soundtrack and "play car music") and great messages. We have weaned him from watching it so often now, btw.

Tyler is a great big brother. He was still watching Cars when Mike and Madalen came to visit and meet Megan, and I was still on leave, but things were better by then. I was nursing successfully then, for one thing, without all the accoutrements. Tyler has his ups and downs, but then again he is 2 and a half. At first he was thrown by the introduction of the new baby, and he gave me some heartbreaking looks of betrayal sometimes. Going back to Sheila at day-care got him back on track to normalcy, but then she quit to go be a nanny and earn more, so we now share a nanny with a boy from day-care, Luka, and his parents. A very expensive playdate, kind of like. Tyle had some bad days in there, poor thing, but he is really changing in the right direction now. He grows and blossoms in spurts and jumps, and amazes us all the time. He likes to hold Megan (supervised, on the couch), and grab her and poke her if he can get away with it, and has even brought her a car toy once or twice. He talks about her and announces when she's crying, and protectively tried to defend her by pushing away the pediatrician on one visit! (Dr. Mercola seems to really like him.) Only sometimes he will want her off my lap to make room for himself, but that's an issue less and less for him.
Throughout I have tried my very best to memorize as much of these moments as possible. Megan is very special, and I will never have a baby like this again (that's the plan anyway). She's nothing like Tyler was. She's much more spit-up-y, and poopie (is she ever!), and in general messy and wet. She's a loud talker as she sqawks like an angry cat when she's excited. She's chubbier than Tyler was, and sweetly so. She has round rosebud lips. She's clingy where he was independant, and she's accepted a sling, and wants to sleep on me all night if she can. She doesn't want to be put down, ever. But she does like the swing, and her tummy-time.

I can't get enough of her, I'm so in love. After a period of estrangement--it was subtle--from Tyler, I am back to kissing his cheeks as much as I can again, and also hers, which are nice and soft and chubby. I had such baby hunger (that's what they call it) toward the end of my pregnancy, it feels so good to fulfill my desires to hug her as much as I can. To touch her little toes, to hold her as her head wobbles around and she looks around the room with a look of "wow." Those quick little breaths babies do when their excited, or when they're trying to do something and are flailing their arms around trying to control them and grab something. It was hard to come back to work, but as everything else a necessary transition to make. So I rush home to her every night and enjoy my kids as much as I can. Kiss her and hug her and breathe her in, try to memorize her, these moments. And never take them for granted.
* * * * *
These Are Days by Natalie Merchant
these are days you'll remember
never before and never since, I promise
will the whole world be warm as this
and as you feel it, you'll know it's true
that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you
these are days you'll remember

when May is rushing over you with desire
to be part of the miracles you see in every hour
you'll know it's true, that you are blessed and lucky
it's true, that you are touched by something
that will grow and bloom in you
these are the days
that you might fill with laughter
until you break
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My Nursing Journey
Because I was never able to nurse my first baby, Tyler, I came to the hospital prepared for disaster. Breast pump, nipple shields, bottles with various nipples, a breast-shaped bottle I’d special ordered, and 2-oz travel bottles of premixed formula, all came with me.
Tyler never latched, apart from a first latch a nurse helped achieve immediately after his birth. The first night nurse brought him to the breast twice, waking him up from the initial newborn slumber, and insisting I try the lie-down position (the most difficult at first) and shoving him at the breast, where he just screamed. I don’t know if that’s where it started, but the next day he just slept the hours away and screamed at the breast. West Sub had just the day before fired their in-house lactation consultant and new-mom breastfeeding classes were canceled. Every nurse had a different position and advice. Tyler quickly became lethargic, jaundiced, and dehydrated, and landed in the ER with a high fever not 12 hours after we were released from the hospital.
A lactation consultant was brought in (he was admitted) and taught us how to revive him from lethargy and get him to eat. She ordered a hospital pump and supplies, and came up with a feeding schedule and a plan for how much formula and how much pumped colostrum he should take. I’m cutting out a great deal of detail and other difficulties brought on by the hospital (West Sub), and some high drama involving firing our first pediatrician, for brevity’s sake. This is Megan’s story, after all. Suffice it to say that we nursed Tyler back to health in a very expensive, uncomfortable, and unhelpful hospital room. Once back home, he drank lustily from a bottle and screamed at the breast, and it was possibly the most painful time of my life. Determined to give him the benefits of breastmilk, I pumped for seven and a half months. So, yeah, I was a little paranoid heading into this second birth!
Under our doula, Tanya’s, care, Megan’s first latch was a good one, right after birth. I had called ahead and spoken to a lactation consultant at Prentice and requested, per her advice, to see an LC on the first day in the hospital. We asked and we asked, but an LC did not come on that first day. Megan’s latch was poor, and painful, and when she cried I could see her tongue tie was tight. Taking matters into my own hands, I pumped colostrum and tried the breast-shaped bottle and a bottle with a nuk nipple, neither of which did she like much, tho she did take some. One of the nurses gave us some syringes for mouth feeding, and that was our best bet. We began to track her intake in a chart, much as we had learned to do for Tyler before. Trying to avoid the confusion of each nurse giving different advice and positions that had happened before, I insisted on trying to master just one position, the basic cradle hold, which was most comfortable. Our doula came back the next day and assisted, and supported me in this decision, which I really appreciated.
Right away that day, I could tell that Megan was sticking to the effort. I was impressed by how she kept trying and trying to latch, no matter how many times I asked her to try again, and tho she might cry she did not scream. When the LC thought she wasn’t getting enough, we supplemented with the formula I’d brought, and she took it without complaint. I figured Megan’s cooperativeness was a good sign that we could work this out.
The LC came on our last day, and she was like a friendly, if hurried, drill sargeant. She came in with a trolly of supplies and slapped on latex gloves and got to work, her pager going off constantly and barking commands and questions in rapid fire. Cradle and reverse cradle no longer worked, she said. I was already getting big with transitional milk, and I had trouble with the positioning of my hands, so she ordered the football hold. (Yes, ma’am!) She examined Megan’s tongue tie and tried her latch and sucking strength with a finger, and declared that she was capable. After many tries, I got the football hold down. She felt Megan wasn’t getting enough and that she’d have to make up for not getting enough the days before. How frustrating for us, when we’d prepared way ahead of time and I’d pumped and made sure to supplement the latches! Not to mention our repeated requests for LC help! In any case, she got us started on the SNS (supplemental nursing system), which is a bottle attached to your shoulder with a tube coming down that you tape to your breast or finger, along with a nipple shield, which is like a fake one you put over your own when yours are too flat, to help the baby draw it out and teach her the proper shape to draw it out to.
Let me tell you, this combination is a mess. The first week at home, I was red from hospital tape holding on the SNS tube, and the formula/breastmilk (after one initial bottle, it was all pumped milk) dripping out of the tube filling up the shield and causing it to lose suction and slip off to the side and the tube coming out from under it spilling all over, all the while I’m trying to position baby and my hands in the football hold with a pillow for support, and then trying to get her to open up enough and latch on to all this mess, which took repeated tries. I mean, this is chaos!!!
Our doula Tanya came when Megan would be hungry, at a moment’s notice phone call, and helped me with the mess. After dealing with the whole big mess and tiring Megan out, I’d feed Megan with the SNS on the finger to make sure she’d had enough, which was relaxing for her. After a while Tanya and I figured out that if she has a little bit by finger first, she would be calm and not panic-starving when trying the latch. Tanya taught me how to recognize what they call a “nutritive sucking pattern,” which is what you look/listen/watch for to know your baby is getting what she needs. We would have a great feeding session, then the next one would take a step back and not work again. One day I’d decide Meg and I needed a break, and we’d do all finger-feeding, and start again the next day afresh. I don’t have proof but I feel that really helped us. (Only did it twice.) Nighttimes, when she and I and Ben were half-asleep, were just finger feeding. (For finger feeding Ben was glad to participate, too.)
It helped having Tanya come over for feedings. It was just a support, as well as good instruction. I wish all new moms could have a doula or full LC for the first few weeks of their baby’s life. Otherwise I have been very internal with this process, unwilling to share much with others or have friends and family come over to watch me try. It was so painful last time, I wanted to be very private this time. One new friend, tho, asked me about it. Kristin, the mom of Tyler’s day-care best friend Luka, asked me how it was going. I gave her a headline, and it turns out she had the exact same problem! Her firstborn never latched, her second (he’s just 6 months older than Tyle) had the same problems as Megan and I! She also did the SNS and shield combo and the nighttime finger feeding. She said it took a month to work it out. I thought, wow, that’s a long time. I excitedly told Tanya about this, and she said to be prepared for it to take two months! Anyway, Kristin said, after the initial difficult period, she had a great nursing experience. I really took heart at that.
I don’t know what kept me going, but sheer determination. Kristin’s story gave me hope. Breastfeeding isn’t easy, and most everyone I know has had trouble, except my mom who was a natural. Cousins and friends all had difficulties with various outcomes, and one friend ended up pumping for all three of her kids! It’s not just enough to know that “breast is best”—it’s the doing that’s sometimes impossible. I used to get looks for giving Tyler a bottle in public, and I’d want to say “Hey! It’s breastmilk! Give me a break!” Now I’m worried about looks for nursing in public! Anyway, I wanted to get that end result that Kristin got, and a good year of happy nursing.
What really kept me going was Megan. Every time I asked her to try a new latch or a relatch, she would do it. She was a real trooper. I would feel really down, and I would announce to Ben that I was quitting. And he was a great support, even tho he was as anxious as I was to keep her healthy and hydrated. He would say he’d back me on any decision I might make, it was okay if I quit, he’d support me. But then when Megan was hungry again, I would just wordlessly put her to the breast again. And we kept on that way for a while.
Once my milk came in fully I did not need to tape the SNS to “the girls” and they were grateful, ha ha. Then the SNS was finger-feeding only. After awhile I got good at working with the shield, and carried it in my bra where my cleavage would keep it warm and it would be ready at a moment’s notice. Soon she was big enough to go back to the cradle hold, and I found it worked! I even nursed her, w/ the shield, for the first time in public, in the pediatrician’s office, I was so proud. I began to wonder if I’d have to use the shield all the time.
Then the law of diminishing returns set in. First, the SNS finger feeding wasn’t 1) big enough to deliver enough, or 2) fast enough to satisfy her. The pediatrician, Dr. Mercola, said she had outgrown it. Away it went. Next, the nipple shield. My first clue was that Megan began to get fussy during feedings. My next clue was that I was getting sore and red from its use. I opened my many trusty breastfeeding books and they all warned against long-term use of the shield. It restricts the nipple ultimately, and slows down the milk delivery making it inefficient. Whoops! So one day I tried without it, and while the latch hurt, Megan seemed much happier, and continued to thrive. So, away it went. We were officially back to basics. Megan was six weeks old. Six weeks, a month and a half, to do away with the accoutrements. Not bad!
After a week of latching and relatching, Megan stopped slipping off down to the tip, which really hurts, and seemed to have the hang of it. My greatest concern at that point was that more often than not she didn’t open her mouth wide enough to get more in and it would hurt. I kept on asking her to relatch, hoping that she would eventually grow big enough to fit better. I think now that she has. I began to practice other positions, mainly side-lying position, which is excellent for nighttime because you can doze while she eats at leisure and as sleepily as she likes. It’s lovely, and has saved my sleep-deprived sanity.
It was hard for awhile to tell whether I had pain because of her latch or whether we had a low grade yeast infection/thrush or even a type of mastitis. I perused my trusty books and found the symptoms overlap they are so similar. Eventually it cleared up, and they can clear up on their own if they are not serious. One weekend I spent helping a friend move and did not pump often enough, and I developed a low grade mastitis that spread from one side to the other. Again, back to the books for home treatment options. Luckily it cleared up on it’s own again with home treatments. They say if it doesn’t clear up w/in 24 hours you need antibiotics. Whatever the case, I was okay.
Recently, at about three months old, I was nursing her when I suddenly realized that it didn’t hurt! That mostly it doesn’t hurt usually. I sat there trying to remember when it last hurt. You see, it would hurt initially and then fade away and I’d be fine for the rest of a feeding. I’m sure it was latch related, that she was taking in more of the areola gradually. And let me tell you that idea of “toughening them up” is a myth. I began to think that I was one of the lucky ones who is naturally sensitive and no way around it. But at three months, I think we’re finally nursing happily. Yay!
Now if we could get her to take the bottle a little more readily while I’m at work, that would be a good thing. We had a great rhythm by the end of my leave, she and I, and our supply and demand was perfectly set up. Now I have a private room at work for pumping and I try to approximate the timing of her feedings while I’m away. It’s working out pretty well. Except that sometimes she just doesn’t want the bottle. So I worry about her. But she continues to grow fat and tall and to laugh and coo, roll around and grab her feet, and do what babies do. And you can’t ask for better than that.

caption: This photo, added to this entry months later, shows a thriving and healthy Megan enjoying a "meal." She's become an old hand at it! I feel so lucky, it's like a gift. Isn't she, and nursing too, just so beautiful?
Tyler never latched, apart from a first latch a nurse helped achieve immediately after his birth. The first night nurse brought him to the breast twice, waking him up from the initial newborn slumber, and insisting I try the lie-down position (the most difficult at first) and shoving him at the breast, where he just screamed. I don’t know if that’s where it started, but the next day he just slept the hours away and screamed at the breast. West Sub had just the day before fired their in-house lactation consultant and new-mom breastfeeding classes were canceled. Every nurse had a different position and advice. Tyler quickly became lethargic, jaundiced, and dehydrated, and landed in the ER with a high fever not 12 hours after we were released from the hospital.
A lactation consultant was brought in (he was admitted) and taught us how to revive him from lethargy and get him to eat. She ordered a hospital pump and supplies, and came up with a feeding schedule and a plan for how much formula and how much pumped colostrum he should take. I’m cutting out a great deal of detail and other difficulties brought on by the hospital (West Sub), and some high drama involving firing our first pediatrician, for brevity’s sake. This is Megan’s story, after all. Suffice it to say that we nursed Tyler back to health in a very expensive, uncomfortable, and unhelpful hospital room. Once back home, he drank lustily from a bottle and screamed at the breast, and it was possibly the most painful time of my life. Determined to give him the benefits of breastmilk, I pumped for seven and a half months. So, yeah, I was a little paranoid heading into this second birth!
Under our doula, Tanya’s, care, Megan’s first latch was a good one, right after birth. I had called ahead and spoken to a lactation consultant at Prentice and requested, per her advice, to see an LC on the first day in the hospital. We asked and we asked, but an LC did not come on that first day. Megan’s latch was poor, and painful, and when she cried I could see her tongue tie was tight. Taking matters into my own hands, I pumped colostrum and tried the breast-shaped bottle and a bottle with a nuk nipple, neither of which did she like much, tho she did take some. One of the nurses gave us some syringes for mouth feeding, and that was our best bet. We began to track her intake in a chart, much as we had learned to do for Tyler before. Trying to avoid the confusion of each nurse giving different advice and positions that had happened before, I insisted on trying to master just one position, the basic cradle hold, which was most comfortable. Our doula came back the next day and assisted, and supported me in this decision, which I really appreciated.
Right away that day, I could tell that Megan was sticking to the effort. I was impressed by how she kept trying and trying to latch, no matter how many times I asked her to try again, and tho she might cry she did not scream. When the LC thought she wasn’t getting enough, we supplemented with the formula I’d brought, and she took it without complaint. I figured Megan’s cooperativeness was a good sign that we could work this out.
The LC came on our last day, and she was like a friendly, if hurried, drill sargeant. She came in with a trolly of supplies and slapped on latex gloves and got to work, her pager going off constantly and barking commands and questions in rapid fire. Cradle and reverse cradle no longer worked, she said. I was already getting big with transitional milk, and I had trouble with the positioning of my hands, so she ordered the football hold. (Yes, ma’am!) She examined Megan’s tongue tie and tried her latch and sucking strength with a finger, and declared that she was capable. After many tries, I got the football hold down. She felt Megan wasn’t getting enough and that she’d have to make up for not getting enough the days before. How frustrating for us, when we’d prepared way ahead of time and I’d pumped and made sure to supplement the latches! Not to mention our repeated requests for LC help! In any case, she got us started on the SNS (supplemental nursing system), which is a bottle attached to your shoulder with a tube coming down that you tape to your breast or finger, along with a nipple shield, which is like a fake one you put over your own when yours are too flat, to help the baby draw it out and teach her the proper shape to draw it out to.
Let me tell you, this combination is a mess. The first week at home, I was red from hospital tape holding on the SNS tube, and the formula/breastmilk (after one initial bottle, it was all pumped milk) dripping out of the tube filling up the shield and causing it to lose suction and slip off to the side and the tube coming out from under it spilling all over, all the while I’m trying to position baby and my hands in the football hold with a pillow for support, and then trying to get her to open up enough and latch on to all this mess, which took repeated tries. I mean, this is chaos!!!
Our doula Tanya came when Megan would be hungry, at a moment’s notice phone call, and helped me with the mess. After dealing with the whole big mess and tiring Megan out, I’d feed Megan with the SNS on the finger to make sure she’d had enough, which was relaxing for her. After a while Tanya and I figured out that if she has a little bit by finger first, she would be calm and not panic-starving when trying the latch. Tanya taught me how to recognize what they call a “nutritive sucking pattern,” which is what you look/listen/watch for to know your baby is getting what she needs. We would have a great feeding session, then the next one would take a step back and not work again. One day I’d decide Meg and I needed a break, and we’d do all finger-feeding, and start again the next day afresh. I don’t have proof but I feel that really helped us. (Only did it twice.) Nighttimes, when she and I and Ben were half-asleep, were just finger feeding. (For finger feeding Ben was glad to participate, too.)
It helped having Tanya come over for feedings. It was just a support, as well as good instruction. I wish all new moms could have a doula or full LC for the first few weeks of their baby’s life. Otherwise I have been very internal with this process, unwilling to share much with others or have friends and family come over to watch me try. It was so painful last time, I wanted to be very private this time. One new friend, tho, asked me about it. Kristin, the mom of Tyler’s day-care best friend Luka, asked me how it was going. I gave her a headline, and it turns out she had the exact same problem! Her firstborn never latched, her second (he’s just 6 months older than Tyle) had the same problems as Megan and I! She also did the SNS and shield combo and the nighttime finger feeding. She said it took a month to work it out. I thought, wow, that’s a long time. I excitedly told Tanya about this, and she said to be prepared for it to take two months! Anyway, Kristin said, after the initial difficult period, she had a great nursing experience. I really took heart at that.
I don’t know what kept me going, but sheer determination. Kristin’s story gave me hope. Breastfeeding isn’t easy, and most everyone I know has had trouble, except my mom who was a natural. Cousins and friends all had difficulties with various outcomes, and one friend ended up pumping for all three of her kids! It’s not just enough to know that “breast is best”—it’s the doing that’s sometimes impossible. I used to get looks for giving Tyler a bottle in public, and I’d want to say “Hey! It’s breastmilk! Give me a break!” Now I’m worried about looks for nursing in public! Anyway, I wanted to get that end result that Kristin got, and a good year of happy nursing.
What really kept me going was Megan. Every time I asked her to try a new latch or a relatch, she would do it. She was a real trooper. I would feel really down, and I would announce to Ben that I was quitting. And he was a great support, even tho he was as anxious as I was to keep her healthy and hydrated. He would say he’d back me on any decision I might make, it was okay if I quit, he’d support me. But then when Megan was hungry again, I would just wordlessly put her to the breast again. And we kept on that way for a while.
Once my milk came in fully I did not need to tape the SNS to “the girls” and they were grateful, ha ha. Then the SNS was finger-feeding only. After awhile I got good at working with the shield, and carried it in my bra where my cleavage would keep it warm and it would be ready at a moment’s notice. Soon she was big enough to go back to the cradle hold, and I found it worked! I even nursed her, w/ the shield, for the first time in public, in the pediatrician’s office, I was so proud. I began to wonder if I’d have to use the shield all the time.
Then the law of diminishing returns set in. First, the SNS finger feeding wasn’t 1) big enough to deliver enough, or 2) fast enough to satisfy her. The pediatrician, Dr. Mercola, said she had outgrown it. Away it went. Next, the nipple shield. My first clue was that Megan began to get fussy during feedings. My next clue was that I was getting sore and red from its use. I opened my many trusty breastfeeding books and they all warned against long-term use of the shield. It restricts the nipple ultimately, and slows down the milk delivery making it inefficient. Whoops! So one day I tried without it, and while the latch hurt, Megan seemed much happier, and continued to thrive. So, away it went. We were officially back to basics. Megan was six weeks old. Six weeks, a month and a half, to do away with the accoutrements. Not bad!
After a week of latching and relatching, Megan stopped slipping off down to the tip, which really hurts, and seemed to have the hang of it. My greatest concern at that point was that more often than not she didn’t open her mouth wide enough to get more in and it would hurt. I kept on asking her to relatch, hoping that she would eventually grow big enough to fit better. I think now that she has. I began to practice other positions, mainly side-lying position, which is excellent for nighttime because you can doze while she eats at leisure and as sleepily as she likes. It’s lovely, and has saved my sleep-deprived sanity.
It was hard for awhile to tell whether I had pain because of her latch or whether we had a low grade yeast infection/thrush or even a type of mastitis. I perused my trusty books and found the symptoms overlap they are so similar. Eventually it cleared up, and they can clear up on their own if they are not serious. One weekend I spent helping a friend move and did not pump often enough, and I developed a low grade mastitis that spread from one side to the other. Again, back to the books for home treatment options. Luckily it cleared up on it’s own again with home treatments. They say if it doesn’t clear up w/in 24 hours you need antibiotics. Whatever the case, I was okay.
Recently, at about three months old, I was nursing her when I suddenly realized that it didn’t hurt! That mostly it doesn’t hurt usually. I sat there trying to remember when it last hurt. You see, it would hurt initially and then fade away and I’d be fine for the rest of a feeding. I’m sure it was latch related, that she was taking in more of the areola gradually. And let me tell you that idea of “toughening them up” is a myth. I began to think that I was one of the lucky ones who is naturally sensitive and no way around it. But at three months, I think we’re finally nursing happily. Yay!
Now if we could get her to take the bottle a little more readily while I’m at work, that would be a good thing. We had a great rhythm by the end of my leave, she and I, and our supply and demand was perfectly set up. Now I have a private room at work for pumping and I try to approximate the timing of her feedings while I’m away. It’s working out pretty well. Except that sometimes she just doesn’t want the bottle. So I worry about her. But she continues to grow fat and tall and to laugh and coo, roll around and grab her feet, and do what babies do. And you can’t ask for better than that.

caption: This photo, added to this entry months later, shows a thriving and healthy Megan enjoying a "meal." She's become an old hand at it! I feel so lucky, it's like a gift. Isn't she, and nursing too, just so beautiful?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Megan's Birth Story
Today is Megan's 1 week birthday. Thought I'd take the occasion to recount her birth for the blog...
We were an hour late getting to the hospital for the induction, we were tired and a little weirded out and excited about it. We entered the big, fancy lobby that makes Prentice look like a fancy hotel, and went on up to the 8th floor to L&D. Dr. Arof met us in the waiting room and talked about what to expect. Tanya our doula was finishing up with another birth and would join us in a bit.
Things went pretty leisurely at first. I put on the gown and we scouted out our fancy L&D room. The view was all city, no lake, but still nice. The bathroom was huge. We were visited by two nurses who introduced themselves and a couple of anesthesiologists. One took a drug history and another signed me up for an epidural study, which was a mistake. More on that later.
They got the I.V. in my left hand and started w/ 2mm (or is that ml?) pitosin, then broke the waters. Once they broke the bag of waters things went quickly and picked up pace. Tanya arrived just after that just in time for the contractions to hit. She talked me thru them, holding one hand while I squeezed the heck out of Ben's hand. I paced the room with my IV pole, visited the bathroom, sat on the birth ball, and stood and swayed. I never wanted to lie or sit. If allowed to I likely would have stood for the entire thing!
Tanya had to ask repeatedly to reduce the pitosin b/c she was worried about hyper stimulation, and my contractions which were suddenly and consistently less than 2 minutes apart, about 1 and a half or so. We finally got them to reduce to 1mm of pit. I was trying to clear my head and think was it time for the epidural when Ben started to say, if Val can't think, then she needs the epidural now. I really wasn't getting breaks between contractions all the sudden. Dr. Arof checked me and I was 4cm dilated and he also agreed on the epidural, and turned off the pitosin. So from here on out, it was just me. He said he was going to be in a C-section for the next hour but he didn't think I'd be having the baby before he got back. Famous last words!
This is when it got bad. The gal doing the epidural study came in with her kit and kicked out Ben and Tanya, said it would be just 20 minutes. West Sub had let Ben stay, so this was a surprise. If I had known what would happen I might have skipped the epidural. To get my spine straight they laid me on my side and she jabbed around a bit, which hurt. The study was to give a little medicine and take pressure readings, give more, take another reading. I did not realize that is what it would be. They tried to get me to lie still. I seemed to lose all control of my body at this point, and the pressure to push, or what feels like you desperately need to poop, was immense. I started yelling things, like first I begged for Ben back. Then I was yelling that the contractions still hurt and why wasn't the epidural working. Then when they kept telling me to lie still I was trying to say I couldn't help it and a lot of "oh god" and "help me" and stuff like that. Finally I yelled somebody hold my legs still. And I told this young nurse trying to hold the monitor on my abdomen to stop it because it hurt. They called more and more people in, and there were all these voices and no single person helping me. They couldn't get the heart rate, the baby's heart rate had slowed and they couldn't find it anymore, so without asking, they put in the internal monitor. They kept lifting my leg to check me, to put the monitor in, then to check me again, and it seemed no time had gone by and it was "she's 6 centimeters" "she's 8" "she's dilated to 9" Then they were telling me to stop pushing. Well, I wasn't doing any pushing on purpose. My body was doing whatever it wanted. They flipped me onto my other side for some reason to do with the epidural. A nurse finally came and peered down into my face and took off her face mask and told me to breathe and did some coaching, blowing in my face. I have no idea who she was, but I swear she was the only one in the room over 25 (maybe 40ish) and I just remember her brown eyes. Thank you, whoever you are.
This little crisis was of their own making. Why they would kick out labor support during the epidural for a second pregnancy, which notoriously go faster, when I'm alredy 4cm and no breaks between contractions which is transitional labor (the last stage before pushing), is beyond me. It is not wise. But I got through it, because what else do you do?
Finally Tanya was there, and suddenly Ben, and the back-up doctor, Dr. Katz, appeared at the base of the bed, and they were telling me to push. It was like they were speaking a foreign language, I was very confused. I could move my legs and feel beyond some surface numbness on my legs, and the anesthesiologist put an alcohol swab on my belly asking if it felt cold, which it did, then on my leg, where it did not, altho I could still feel it. I could feel that "ring of fire" when the perenium is stretched. The doc said "just one more push" and I must say I just didn't believe her. I managed a couple of pushes at most, and suddenly the baby was out!!!
(Ben's side of the story is also interesting, and he was feeling insane being locked out. He recalls it as nearly an hour while he repeatedly sought permission to return. Then when he got in it was chaos around me and he was very upset. I focused on him and gripped his hand while I tried to push.)
So I was already in the mode where I announced some insane request to the room repeatedly until I got help, so I switched to "I want her" as my mantra--the baby, which was a girl. She was red and her fingers were purple, and the cord was blue and she was doing that newborn cry. I got her, and she was amazing. This little thing! They switched out towels around her to dry her and prevent cooling of and Ben and I just focused on her.
Tanya had to repeatedly tell the nursing staff to hold off while we had bonding time. They asked maybe 6 times, and the doctor backed us up, which really helped. They just wanted to weigh her, do the apgar, and admit her to the system. But those first 45 minutes of alert time are key. We got a good latch and she drank, with Tanya's help. It was wonderful.
Meanwhile the doc was in and out of the uterus because the placenta would not disengage. They found it had fused membranes. I pushed most of it out with her help, then Dr. Arof joined Dr. Katz and she did a cuterage (like a d&c)--I could feel pressure and hear the snick-snack like scissors! Creepy, but apparently taking care of it then prevented hemoraging and hospitalization later. Also I was already dilated (tho they said I was already contracting). Excellent news was that I had no stitches!!! Just a scrape. They say the placenta did not look 100% healthy, and it was good that they induced when they did.
I know the whole thing sounds crazy, but I'm glad it's over and I'm so glad to have this beautiful girl in my arms. Coming down so fast did give her a cephalo hematoma, however, which is a giant bruise like a pocket of blood on her head. It will resolve in a few weeks. They x-rayed her and there was no skull fracture. She's fine. Breaking down the old red blood cells does create billirubins (sp) as a byproduct, however, so there is jaundice. That and some latch difficulties added to jaundice, but it is already going down and she's eating, pooping, and gaining weight like a trooper!
We were an hour late getting to the hospital for the induction, we were tired and a little weirded out and excited about it. We entered the big, fancy lobby that makes Prentice look like a fancy hotel, and went on up to the 8th floor to L&D. Dr. Arof met us in the waiting room and talked about what to expect. Tanya our doula was finishing up with another birth and would join us in a bit.
Things went pretty leisurely at first. I put on the gown and we scouted out our fancy L&D room. The view was all city, no lake, but still nice. The bathroom was huge. We were visited by two nurses who introduced themselves and a couple of anesthesiologists. One took a drug history and another signed me up for an epidural study, which was a mistake. More on that later.
They got the I.V. in my left hand and started w/ 2mm (or is that ml?) pitosin, then broke the waters. Once they broke the bag of waters things went quickly and picked up pace. Tanya arrived just after that just in time for the contractions to hit. She talked me thru them, holding one hand while I squeezed the heck out of Ben's hand. I paced the room with my IV pole, visited the bathroom, sat on the birth ball, and stood and swayed. I never wanted to lie or sit. If allowed to I likely would have stood for the entire thing!
Tanya had to ask repeatedly to reduce the pitosin b/c she was worried about hyper stimulation, and my contractions which were suddenly and consistently less than 2 minutes apart, about 1 and a half or so. We finally got them to reduce to 1mm of pit. I was trying to clear my head and think was it time for the epidural when Ben started to say, if Val can't think, then she needs the epidural now. I really wasn't getting breaks between contractions all the sudden. Dr. Arof checked me and I was 4cm dilated and he also agreed on the epidural, and turned off the pitosin. So from here on out, it was just me. He said he was going to be in a C-section for the next hour but he didn't think I'd be having the baby before he got back. Famous last words!
This is when it got bad. The gal doing the epidural study came in with her kit and kicked out Ben and Tanya, said it would be just 20 minutes. West Sub had let Ben stay, so this was a surprise. If I had known what would happen I might have skipped the epidural. To get my spine straight they laid me on my side and she jabbed around a bit, which hurt. The study was to give a little medicine and take pressure readings, give more, take another reading. I did not realize that is what it would be. They tried to get me to lie still. I seemed to lose all control of my body at this point, and the pressure to push, or what feels like you desperately need to poop, was immense. I started yelling things, like first I begged for Ben back. Then I was yelling that the contractions still hurt and why wasn't the epidural working. Then when they kept telling me to lie still I was trying to say I couldn't help it and a lot of "oh god" and "help me" and stuff like that. Finally I yelled somebody hold my legs still. And I told this young nurse trying to hold the monitor on my abdomen to stop it because it hurt. They called more and more people in, and there were all these voices and no single person helping me. They couldn't get the heart rate, the baby's heart rate had slowed and they couldn't find it anymore, so without asking, they put in the internal monitor. They kept lifting my leg to check me, to put the monitor in, then to check me again, and it seemed no time had gone by and it was "she's 6 centimeters" "she's 8" "she's dilated to 9" Then they were telling me to stop pushing. Well, I wasn't doing any pushing on purpose. My body was doing whatever it wanted. They flipped me onto my other side for some reason to do with the epidural. A nurse finally came and peered down into my face and took off her face mask and told me to breathe and did some coaching, blowing in my face. I have no idea who she was, but I swear she was the only one in the room over 25 (maybe 40ish) and I just remember her brown eyes. Thank you, whoever you are.
This little crisis was of their own making. Why they would kick out labor support during the epidural for a second pregnancy, which notoriously go faster, when I'm alredy 4cm and no breaks between contractions which is transitional labor (the last stage before pushing), is beyond me. It is not wise. But I got through it, because what else do you do?
Finally Tanya was there, and suddenly Ben, and the back-up doctor, Dr. Katz, appeared at the base of the bed, and they were telling me to push. It was like they were speaking a foreign language, I was very confused. I could move my legs and feel beyond some surface numbness on my legs, and the anesthesiologist put an alcohol swab on my belly asking if it felt cold, which it did, then on my leg, where it did not, altho I could still feel it. I could feel that "ring of fire" when the perenium is stretched. The doc said "just one more push" and I must say I just didn't believe her. I managed a couple of pushes at most, and suddenly the baby was out!!!
(Ben's side of the story is also interesting, and he was feeling insane being locked out. He recalls it as nearly an hour while he repeatedly sought permission to return. Then when he got in it was chaos around me and he was very upset. I focused on him and gripped his hand while I tried to push.)
So I was already in the mode where I announced some insane request to the room repeatedly until I got help, so I switched to "I want her" as my mantra--the baby, which was a girl. She was red and her fingers were purple, and the cord was blue and she was doing that newborn cry. I got her, and she was amazing. This little thing! They switched out towels around her to dry her and prevent cooling of and Ben and I just focused on her.
Tanya had to repeatedly tell the nursing staff to hold off while we had bonding time. They asked maybe 6 times, and the doctor backed us up, which really helped. They just wanted to weigh her, do the apgar, and admit her to the system. But those first 45 minutes of alert time are key. We got a good latch and she drank, with Tanya's help. It was wonderful.
Meanwhile the doc was in and out of the uterus because the placenta would not disengage. They found it had fused membranes. I pushed most of it out with her help, then Dr. Arof joined Dr. Katz and she did a cuterage (like a d&c)--I could feel pressure and hear the snick-snack like scissors! Creepy, but apparently taking care of it then prevented hemoraging and hospitalization later. Also I was already dilated (tho they said I was already contracting). Excellent news was that I had no stitches!!! Just a scrape. They say the placenta did not look 100% healthy, and it was good that they induced when they did.
I know the whole thing sounds crazy, but I'm glad it's over and I'm so glad to have this beautiful girl in my arms. Coming down so fast did give her a cephalo hematoma, however, which is a giant bruise like a pocket of blood on her head. It will resolve in a few weeks. They x-rayed her and there was no skull fracture. She's fine. Breaking down the old red blood cells does create billirubins (sp) as a byproduct, however, so there is jaundice. That and some latch difficulties added to jaundice, but it is already going down and she's eating, pooping, and gaining weight like a trooper!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
It's a Girl!!!
I'm sitting in bed at the hospital typing on a little keypad attached to the nurse caller thingie--you know, the device by the bed that you call the nurse with (Ben says, the device you push to make the nurses not come, heh). I'm seeing the blog entry on a big, wide-screen TV. Cool,huh? We've just ordered room service and the food is fantastic. Ben is reading what I write and making sarcastic comments from the dad-bench. Oh, sorry, he says they are "snide or snarky." I sit corrected. "And the bed is an uncomfortable couch that folds out into an even more uncomfortable bed." Little Megan is in her hospital bassinette by the bed. Ben describes this as a "deluxe petri dish." We are tired and a little slap happy.
Megan Hillary was born yesterday, January 9th at 1:21 in the afternoon after a bizarre labor I'll have to describe another time. She was 7lbs 12oz, and 18 inches. She's amazingly tiny. I can't believe Tyler was ever this small. Getting a latch on is again a problem, but we are working through it best we can with our doula
helping. We haven't seen the lactation consultants rumored to work here yet, despite numorous requests and orders for them written into our records in the system here. But she will not be dehydrated like Tyler was. I've brought my breast pump and whenever she doesn't get a latch (it's hit and miss) I pump and she takes colostrum by syringe now. She dislikes two different kinds of bottle nipples already, one of which I had special ordered b/c it is shaped like a breast. She wants the real thing.
Megan looks like no-one I know, but she's really beautiful. Ben adds "in a squishy baby kind of way." Her newest nickname is "scrunchy face." This is in addition to Megalon and Megaweapon, the earlier Scumby of course, and, since Tyler is "boogie boy" we've decided she will be "disco girl." She has a round face, very dark eyes, wisps of brown hair, little rosebud lips, and mini Mobley ears. She has a pink complection and is a little rashy around her face which is already fading. We are both really into her.
...Megan is smacking her lips. Gotta go. Wish me luck!
Megan Hillary was born yesterday, January 9th at 1:21 in the afternoon after a bizarre labor I'll have to describe another time. She was 7lbs 12oz, and 18 inches. She's amazingly tiny. I can't believe Tyler was ever this small. Getting a latch on is again a problem, but we are working through it best we can with our doula
helping. We haven't seen the lactation consultants rumored to work here yet, despite numorous requests and orders for them written into our records in the system here. But she will not be dehydrated like Tyler was. I've brought my breast pump and whenever she doesn't get a latch (it's hit and miss) I pump and she takes colostrum by syringe now. She dislikes two different kinds of bottle nipples already, one of which I had special ordered b/c it is shaped like a breast. She wants the real thing.
Megan looks like no-one I know, but she's really beautiful. Ben adds "in a squishy baby kind of way." Her newest nickname is "scrunchy face." This is in addition to Megalon and Megaweapon, the earlier Scumby of course, and, since Tyler is "boogie boy" we've decided she will be "disco girl." She has a round face, very dark eyes, wisps of brown hair, little rosebud lips, and mini Mobley ears. She has a pink complection and is a little rashy around her face which is already fading. We are both really into her.
...Megan is smacking her lips. Gotta go. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I'm at the Hospital!
Check this out! Free Internet access! I'm just getting settled in for the induction at Prentice Women's Hospital. I've been having contractions all night/morning, too! They do hurt.
Will report back when possible! This place is so hi tech. Hee hee hee!
P.S. Turns out in the exam yesterday the doc did what they call stripping the membranes, which is separating w/ finger the bag of waters from the uterus lining around the opening. That's why it hurt so much! Angry that they didn't tell me. It's very common, and is supposed to release hormones to bring on contractions. Did it work? Hmmmm...
Will report back when possible! This place is so hi tech. Hee hee hee!
P.S. Turns out in the exam yesterday the doc did what they call stripping the membranes, which is separating w/ finger the bag of waters from the uterus lining around the opening. That's why it hurt so much! Angry that they didn't tell me. It's very common, and is supposed to release hormones to bring on contractions. Did it work? Hmmmm...
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Final Countdown
Well, I'm scheduled to induce tomorrow at the crack of dawn. I asked if I could make it later than 6:30 but they told me the hospital is booked and I was lucky I didn't get 3 a.m.! Sheesh.
Anyway, 6:30 makes getting Tyler to day-care in the morning kindof difficult. Especially since Alice has a new skin condition (hives) and can't help out like she originally thought she could. Which I hate to admit is a disappointment; I'm sure I'm much too sensitive these days and wish I had more help. So my mom says she'll spend the night tonight and get Tyler fed and transferred in the morning. Then I don't know, guess she'll hang out or something? Or visit the hospital maybe, I don't know.
Will call Tanya tonight and come up with a game plan for the morning. I do wish I could go into labor naturally, you know? Seems like it's happening, just very slowly. And it's true I'm anxious to have the baby! But still. The gender is a surprise, the name will be a surprise, why not the birth day itself? Or, it would be cool to have it be the 10th since Tyler was born on a 10th, if we're picking days. Or go today, the 8th, which is Elvis's and David Bowie's birthday. Then I also think to myself, that originally the 9th was one of the due dates when the date was originally disputed at the first doctor's, before the 13th week ultrasound settled it on the 7th. So, does that mean the 9th is destined? Or does that mean we ought to count the 9th too soon and give it more time? I don't know. I'm overthinking this. I'm happy to get the doctor I want at least. And you never know how long the labor will take! Might not actually come on the 9th after all! But I don't believe that, not really.
I am still crampy and getting mild contractions from the exam earlier today. It's common for early labor to carry on evenings then fade the next morning. It would be way cool to show up in the morning already in labor. I'll see if I can't will labor to start with the power of my mind, ha ha... Well, you never know!
Well, this is my last post I believe, until I give birth and post a narrative about the experience afterward. Which is what I plan to do. Until then...
Wish me luck!
Anyway, 6:30 makes getting Tyler to day-care in the morning kindof difficult. Especially since Alice has a new skin condition (hives) and can't help out like she originally thought she could. Which I hate to admit is a disappointment; I'm sure I'm much too sensitive these days and wish I had more help. So my mom says she'll spend the night tonight and get Tyler fed and transferred in the morning. Then I don't know, guess she'll hang out or something? Or visit the hospital maybe, I don't know.
Will call Tanya tonight and come up with a game plan for the morning. I do wish I could go into labor naturally, you know? Seems like it's happening, just very slowly. And it's true I'm anxious to have the baby! But still. The gender is a surprise, the name will be a surprise, why not the birth day itself? Or, it would be cool to have it be the 10th since Tyler was born on a 10th, if we're picking days. Or go today, the 8th, which is Elvis's and David Bowie's birthday. Then I also think to myself, that originally the 9th was one of the due dates when the date was originally disputed at the first doctor's, before the 13th week ultrasound settled it on the 7th. So, does that mean the 9th is destined? Or does that mean we ought to count the 9th too soon and give it more time? I don't know. I'm overthinking this. I'm happy to get the doctor I want at least. And you never know how long the labor will take! Might not actually come on the 9th after all! But I don't believe that, not really.
I am still crampy and getting mild contractions from the exam earlier today. It's common for early labor to carry on evenings then fade the next morning. It would be way cool to show up in the morning already in labor. I'll see if I can't will labor to start with the power of my mind, ha ha... Well, you never know!
Well, this is my last post I believe, until I give birth and post a narrative about the experience afterward. Which is what I plan to do. Until then...
Wish me luck!
Last Appointment
I'm sorry to say my last appointment today was a disappointment. I was excited to see Dr. Arof again and find out about my progress and ask my list of questions about the induction and talk about my doula. I was in the waiting room ready and waiting at about 15 minutes late, and I'm not sure if that wasn't the first mistake. The second was not asking sooner why the wait was so long. I was waiting about 45 minutes or so when I got up and ran into Dr. Arof on his way out. He was really sorry, and he should be, tho one can blame the nurse staff if you want to. Unfortunately for me, Arof's nurse Bridgett ("Bridge" for short--isn't that cute?) wasn't there today and when that happens I often get "oh we thought you were in an ultrasound and were waiting for word" or some other why-we-called-you-in-late exhuse. Which has cost me unpaid PTO time from work twice in recent past. Turns out also that Dr. Arof had a split office schedule today and the afternoon he was due in his Northbrook office. Which was the whole reason why I came in the morning directly to him when my NST was in the afternoon.
If I were a long-time patient of his or if I liked the other doctors as much it wouldn't be such a big deal. But the day before my scheduled induction, I really, really wanted to talk to him. And I'm sensitive already to the feeling of being without help or lost, as I felt with my first doctor. They rushed me in to see Dr. Katz, which is my 2nd choice for on-call doc (she's nice) but I was emotional and try as I might I couldn't manage to hold back my tears, and she didn't know what to do with me. She made a sad joke, "oh I know you're crying because you're so glad to see me." And the appointment was very rushed.
Anyway I'm still 2 cm dilated, and she didn't give it a percentage (so I don't know if I'm still 75% effaced or if this means more) but she said my cervix is "oh, yes, really thin now." Gosh it really hurt. Each time I get examined I am sore to the touch, but man did it hurt this time. She said she could feel the head and also the baby's back. The way it felt, my cervix must be all stretched out and wide, she could really get her hand around it/the baby's head. It was amazing.
My blood pressure it really good, 120/80, and at the NST 128/80 (after walking over there). The two gals at the NST, nurses both, Maggie and Karen, are so friendly and so talkative and excited it's not hard to cheer up around them. The baby gave excellent NST results and was extremely active, kicking against the monitors and rolling around. Baby has a very assertive physical personality. (I'm thinking girl's basketball, heh heh!) Maggie and Karen want a phone call or see a picture of the baby so I will probably send Maggie and Karen an announcement at their office. They are very sweet.
I have a few ideas about how to solve this disappointment from the doc appt. I can 1) call Dr. Arof at the Northbrook office and see if I can't ask him some questions, 2) set aside some time to chat with him before the induction in the morning so that I get my concerns met before the procedure begins, and 3) chat with Tanya my doula about some of the questions too and come up with our own plan.
I am very crampy and sore after the exam. Spotting of course. Some of it is low-grade contractions, not the serious kind, tho. It would be neat to show up tomorrow morning already in labor!
If I were a long-time patient of his or if I liked the other doctors as much it wouldn't be such a big deal. But the day before my scheduled induction, I really, really wanted to talk to him. And I'm sensitive already to the feeling of being without help or lost, as I felt with my first doctor. They rushed me in to see Dr. Katz, which is my 2nd choice for on-call doc (she's nice) but I was emotional and try as I might I couldn't manage to hold back my tears, and she didn't know what to do with me. She made a sad joke, "oh I know you're crying because you're so glad to see me." And the appointment was very rushed.
Anyway I'm still 2 cm dilated, and she didn't give it a percentage (so I don't know if I'm still 75% effaced or if this means more) but she said my cervix is "oh, yes, really thin now." Gosh it really hurt. Each time I get examined I am sore to the touch, but man did it hurt this time. She said she could feel the head and also the baby's back. The way it felt, my cervix must be all stretched out and wide, she could really get her hand around it/the baby's head. It was amazing.
My blood pressure it really good, 120/80, and at the NST 128/80 (after walking over there). The two gals at the NST, nurses both, Maggie and Karen, are so friendly and so talkative and excited it's not hard to cheer up around them. The baby gave excellent NST results and was extremely active, kicking against the monitors and rolling around. Baby has a very assertive physical personality. (I'm thinking girl's basketball, heh heh!) Maggie and Karen want a phone call or see a picture of the baby so I will probably send Maggie and Karen an announcement at their office. They are very sweet.
I have a few ideas about how to solve this disappointment from the doc appt. I can 1) call Dr. Arof at the Northbrook office and see if I can't ask him some questions, 2) set aside some time to chat with him before the induction in the morning so that I get my concerns met before the procedure begins, and 3) chat with Tanya my doula about some of the questions too and come up with our own plan.
I am very crampy and sore after the exam. Spotting of course. Some of it is low-grade contractions, not the serious kind, tho. It would be neat to show up tomorrow morning already in labor!
Pelvic Shift
Last night Ben worked the evening shift and I was on my own. Contractions hit around 8, just before Tyler's bedtime, then suddenly my pelvis seemed to pinch on the left back side and shoot pains down to my knee. It was incredible, and I let Tyler stay up until Ben got home. I hobbled upstairs when poor tired Tyler wanted to go up and get his blankie and paci, a sure sign he's ready for bed. But I could not manage to change his diaper and he laid on his toddler bed fully dressed. I took of his shoes from my vantage point of the blue chair next to the bed, but that's all. He climbed on me for a story and the pain brought tears to my eyes. I love him so much and it's so hard to not be able to do something for him or nurture him when he's feeling affectionate like that, it broke my heart. I called Daddy-o to ask him to come home on time and tell him Tyler would still be up, and Ben was welcomed by a Tyler-monkey with arms and legs both! It was very sweet, and I was sad and grateful. Tyler is such a sweet boy, and Ben such a good, loving dad. I'm lucky.
I asked Ben for a lower back/pelvis massage. And this is very cool: He could feel the baby's head! He was kind of freaked a bit, and so was very gentle. He's like, is that the head? What is this? This wasn't here last time I gave you a massage (that morning!) there. Ben is excellent at the massage! This morning he even added positive statements in a relaxing voice, at it was really really cool.
I asked Ben for a lower back/pelvis massage. And this is very cool: He could feel the baby's head! He was kind of freaked a bit, and so was very gentle. He's like, is that the head? What is this? This wasn't here last time I gave you a massage (that morning!) there. Ben is excellent at the massage! This morning he even added positive statements in a relaxing voice, at it was really really cool.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Nesting Instinct?
Re: mood swings: Okay, first I want to kill everyone who causes the phone to ring. Then I miss my friends and invite them over all weekend. Then, after picking fights with my hubbie and not letting him get within 10 feet of me for months, I suddenly am on fire when he's near me and can't get enuf. Which passes very quickly. Now, after increasing fatigue that feels like I have weights added to every limb for the past weeks, today I'm suddenly light and full of energy. I've been cooking and cleaning and it's bizarre. Just today, tho. It wasn't long before I pooped out in the evening!
False Alarm
Sunday evening and all thru last night I had steady contractions, lasting about 45 to 60 seconds and about 3 to 4 minutes apart. They would start and build in a band from the abdomen around the small of the back, and become uncomfortably painful but easy to talk through, then fade and resolve. We called Tanya and she was at a party right across the street, which we thought was funny. She reviewed for me how to time the contractions and suggested the shower test and was ready to come over whenever we were too. We got the watch out and timed the contractions, and watched a movie. We had a friend over, Michelle, who gave me an awesome lower back/pelvis massage! She's a natural.
Ben and I got really nervous and excited when the contractions passed the shower test before bedtime--a hot shower often makes them go away if they are false or early labor. But then they were more spaced apart, and we went to bed. I slept through most of them but got awakened a good handful of times by the pain of some of them. Still felt them in the morning, but by mid-morning they were going away. We were so disappointed! So, Ben went to work.
Tanya explained that this is very common for second-time pregnancies. That often early labor like this is lightly felt in first pregnancies so there are less false starts. But this is just early labor and normal, and can go on for two weeks before the due date. Which is about what I've been doing!
Ben and I got really nervous and excited when the contractions passed the shower test before bedtime--a hot shower often makes them go away if they are false or early labor. But then they were more spaced apart, and we went to bed. I slept through most of them but got awakened a good handful of times by the pain of some of them. Still felt them in the morning, but by mid-morning they were going away. We were so disappointed! So, Ben went to work.
Tanya explained that this is very common for second-time pregnancies. That often early labor like this is lightly felt in first pregnancies so there are less false starts. But this is just early labor and normal, and can go on for two weeks before the due date. Which is about what I've been doing!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Trying Everything to Induce Labor
I suspect most of what they suggest, if not all, is myth. I'm already eating spicy foods, as that is what the fetus seems to want. I'm not jumping up and down, that seems masochistic. I'll just say for the record that sex does not work, either ...ahem! Altho in a very bizarre twist I actually wanted it, which lately is unheard of. Heh heh heh! It's hard to know if stimulating the "girls" as suggested in What To Expect works or not, but I have greatly irritated the skin there which is worse! I am going to try sheer will power. Or maybe I should chant as in one of Tyler's favorite books: "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..."
Thursday, January 3, 2008
That Fed-Up Feeling
Apparently it's normal to get fed-up with pregnancy here at the end.
Personally I'm mostly sick of being sick. Looking back, I first caught the cold/series of colds I've been trading off with Ben and Tyler and day-care back on my blog entry of December 3rd. So yes, that's a month of being sick up to today. I was miserable last night, coughing all night and waking everybody up in the house repeatedly. This morning I coughed so much I was sick, and of course simultaneously ruined my pants and had to start all over washing up and getting dressed for work again. It's demoralizing. Last night I started to cry and Ben was very supportive and rubbed my back and tried to give me a pep talk about having a positive attitude so that my pregnancy is a better experience overall. I know he's right, intellectually, but it's hard.
I still have the ringing in my ears and the heartburn, the loose joints in my pelvis which have become more painful recently, sore belly and bosom (using old fashioned language ha ha), difficulty bending over, standing up, sitting up out of bed, and standing for too long, twingy carpal tunnel, some odd swelling, incontinence, constant fatigue, and mood swings, to name the main ones. I feel I could be much more accepting of all this if I felt well on top of it all. I'm sick of pricking my fingers to test my blood glucose levels, and I want sweets.
Mainly--and this is much more amusing--I have high irritability. Some times Ben accuses me of trying to pick a fight. But what do you do when everything he does irritates you? When everything your husband is doing is clearly wrong? Heh heh heh. (I know how bad that sounds!)
Over the weekend I decided to limit the calls I take. Sorry! Everyone has been calling to see if we've had the baby yet. Um, you'll get a call, we promise! Of course I appreciate the attention. I just am not handling it very well. So I let Ben take the calls. I'm not at all reasonable, you know. It's just as likely that if no-one was calling I'd be hurt, so you can't win. Sometimes what sets me off is too much cheerfulness and excitement. Or reassurances that I'm really okay if I'm expressing being fed up. And Trina, honey, you can "call twice a day until I have that baby" if you want, bless your heart (as our Grandma would say), but if you do that, you'll have to be happy with getting Ben! (You know I love you!) Of course our parents always get thru to one or both of us. And they are being good sports about this. (Kudos to Madalen who actually made me laugh, even after I answered the phone with "be careful, I might bite your head off." We're getting along great!)
For the record, I've gone thru my cell phone's address book and made sure it was filled with everyone's number.
Another very annoying this is, what on earth can I respond to "so you're still pregnant!" Um, yes, this is me, and this is my belly, and clearly I'm still pregnant. Congratulations on your keen observation skills! That's what I'd like to say to coworkers who say that to me! Hehe. Great way for me to keep friendly, huh?
Another special joy is the reactions I'm getting from strangers. Strangers! On my way to the doctor, in elevators or hallways, in brief visits to small, managable stores like Walgreens, I get comments and big, saucer-eyed looks. One woman had the audacity to ask if I had twins. 'Cause I'm so huge. Then she gave my belly a look like she didn't believe me. This one gal in the elevator didn't even have anything cute to say, she demanded my due date and just seemed afraid I'd give birth right there and then. So now I'm apparently scaring people!
You know, I should play it up. When I get the saucer-eyed looks, I should stop and rub my belly and do some labor breathing, really give them a scare! Heh.
If you think of any other scare tactics or funny sarcastic replies I could prepare, let me know!
Personally I'm mostly sick of being sick. Looking back, I first caught the cold/series of colds I've been trading off with Ben and Tyler and day-care back on my blog entry of December 3rd. So yes, that's a month of being sick up to today. I was miserable last night, coughing all night and waking everybody up in the house repeatedly. This morning I coughed so much I was sick, and of course simultaneously ruined my pants and had to start all over washing up and getting dressed for work again. It's demoralizing. Last night I started to cry and Ben was very supportive and rubbed my back and tried to give me a pep talk about having a positive attitude so that my pregnancy is a better experience overall. I know he's right, intellectually, but it's hard.
I still have the ringing in my ears and the heartburn, the loose joints in my pelvis which have become more painful recently, sore belly and bosom (using old fashioned language ha ha), difficulty bending over, standing up, sitting up out of bed, and standing for too long, twingy carpal tunnel, some odd swelling, incontinence, constant fatigue, and mood swings, to name the main ones. I feel I could be much more accepting of all this if I felt well on top of it all. I'm sick of pricking my fingers to test my blood glucose levels, and I want sweets.
Mainly--and this is much more amusing--I have high irritability. Some times Ben accuses me of trying to pick a fight. But what do you do when everything he does irritates you? When everything your husband is doing is clearly wrong? Heh heh heh. (I know how bad that sounds!)
Over the weekend I decided to limit the calls I take. Sorry! Everyone has been calling to see if we've had the baby yet. Um, you'll get a call, we promise! Of course I appreciate the attention. I just am not handling it very well. So I let Ben take the calls. I'm not at all reasonable, you know. It's just as likely that if no-one was calling I'd be hurt, so you can't win. Sometimes what sets me off is too much cheerfulness and excitement. Or reassurances that I'm really okay if I'm expressing being fed up. And Trina, honey, you can "call twice a day until I have that baby" if you want, bless your heart (as our Grandma would say), but if you do that, you'll have to be happy with getting Ben! (You know I love you!) Of course our parents always get thru to one or both of us. And they are being good sports about this. (Kudos to Madalen who actually made me laugh, even after I answered the phone with "be careful, I might bite your head off." We're getting along great!)
For the record, I've gone thru my cell phone's address book and made sure it was filled with everyone's number.
Another very annoying this is, what on earth can I respond to "so you're still pregnant!" Um, yes, this is me, and this is my belly, and clearly I'm still pregnant. Congratulations on your keen observation skills! That's what I'd like to say to coworkers who say that to me! Hehe. Great way for me to keep friendly, huh?
Another special joy is the reactions I'm getting from strangers. Strangers! On my way to the doctor, in elevators or hallways, in brief visits to small, managable stores like Walgreens, I get comments and big, saucer-eyed looks. One woman had the audacity to ask if I had twins. 'Cause I'm so huge. Then she gave my belly a look like she didn't believe me. This one gal in the elevator didn't even have anything cute to say, she demanded my due date and just seemed afraid I'd give birth right there and then. So now I'm apparently scaring people!
You know, I should play it up. When I get the saucer-eyed looks, I should stop and rub my belly and do some labor breathing, really give them a scare! Heh.
If you think of any other scare tactics or funny sarcastic replies I could prepare, let me know!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
No Progress At Latest Dr. Visit
Still at 2 cm dilation and 75% effacement. "About the same," according the Dr. Halpern, Dr. Arof's associate while he's on vacation.
Tried to talk to him about the doula but he doesn't seem as supportive as Dr. Arof is. I really hope we get Dr. Arof for the birth. Halpern wasn't responsive about me coming in more during active labor and gave me the same-old about 45 second long contractions 3 minutes apart. Remember my Solstice contractions? That's what they were, and they were more than 3 hours worth, then went away. By that calculation, I would have gone in to the hospital and, what? I don't know. Been sent home? Been put on petosin? I don't know. And Halpern seemed less supportive of the doula being an R.N. and told me "she's not a midwife, she's just a support during labor." It was kind of disappointing. I miss Arof.
I'm so tired!
Tried to talk to him about the doula but he doesn't seem as supportive as Dr. Arof is. I really hope we get Dr. Arof for the birth. Halpern wasn't responsive about me coming in more during active labor and gave me the same-old about 45 second long contractions 3 minutes apart. Remember my Solstice contractions? That's what they were, and they were more than 3 hours worth, then went away. By that calculation, I would have gone in to the hospital and, what? I don't know. Been sent home? Been put on petosin? I don't know. And Halpern seemed less supportive of the doula being an R.N. and told me "she's not a midwife, she's just a support during labor." It was kind of disappointing. I miss Arof.
I'm so tired!
Head Cold Continues
Tyler is better apart from a raspy voice. Back to sleeping thru the night and breathing well enuf to nap. But now I've caught it. It's not fair!
I was afraid I'd have to wear a mask around the newborn but the doc says I won't need to and that I will get better after the birth and my immunity picks up again. I hope it's quick. I've been miserable about this.
I was afraid I'd have to wear a mask around the newborn but the doc says I won't need to and that I will get better after the birth and my immunity picks up again. I hope it's quick. I've been miserable about this.
Date Set for Induction
Just as a back-up, if I don't go by my due date, the hospital/doctor has set a time and day for inducing me. January 9th, at 6:30 a.m. But Dr. Arof doesn't think it'll be necessary. Keep your fingers crossed.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year
Well, somehow I thought for sure I'd have the baby on the new year but no dice. Mild crampy contractions didn't even keep me awake, and disappeared after a long, hot morning shower. (The "shower test"--if they keep going after a shower or a walk, they are here to stay.)
So anyway I got out the baby's first year calendar and am marking the birth month as January--no need to see if it would have been December anymore--and filling out the months calendar days. It's exciting.
So anyway I got out the baby's first year calendar and am marking the birth month as January--no need to see if it would have been December anymore--and filling out the months calendar days. It's exciting.
Prenatal Doula Visit
Well Tanya came over and we reviewed our birth plan and various pain management and laboring techniques. It was great. She really knows the various laws pertaining to baby's newborn care, as well as the effects of bonding on development and how to get that precious first hour and a half of wakefulness before the baby does it's first long sleep post birth. I feel like we've learned a lot today. I can't possibly recall it all here, but you get the idea. We have a plan for the labor, and will labor at home as long as we can and get to the hospital in more active labor but certainly before transition phase. She'll be able to check the position of the baby and adjust by pressure points on the pelvis--I'm sure I'm not explaining this perfectly. We also upon admission will get an Ob order to get the lactation consultants at the hospital to come sooner than their usual visit just before we are let out. But if that doesn't work well for us she knows several good local lactation consultants and Tanya will be on call for help as well those first few days. Well, I'm not sure what else to say. I feel so much better now that we have an advocate and someone who will stick with us and help me thru labor. I feel better about a lot of my fears.
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