Sunday, May 20, 2007

First 5 weeks of pregnancy in a flash

I found out I was pregnant on Mother's Day, 5/13/07. Appropriate, huh? Up until then my symptoms were what I thought was serious PMS...that just happened to last for 3 weeks. The week before I ran to the store at lunchtime and bought all this snackfood and ate like a crazy person all day at work all week! Then I had to pee every 20 seconds, my first real hint. I also noticed that I was craving ice cubes, which is unusual, and my second hint. By Mother's Day I was a week late, and started to suspect. Kinda slow on the draw...

Ben and I think we conceived on April 16 when I ovulated on the left (I can feel it). We're hoping for a girl, and tried the Shettle's method. Keep your fingers crossed (as if that would help).

The week after Mother's Day morning sickness gradually came over me. This weekend it was pretty serious, and nothing smells or tastes the same. Of course we started off with a bang: a nasty stomach flu went thru the entire family, starting with me on Wednesday! At least morning sickness isn't like that, but it's pretty bad!

I hope to keep a kind of diary of how it's going here on the blogosphere, if that's not too self-indulgent, and hope to keep my friends and family entertained!

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